Semi Design Projects
- VLSI Implementation of Text to Image Encryption Algorithm based on Private Key encryption
- FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its verification
- Design and Implimentation of 64-Bt MAC unit vedic multiplier and it’s verification using system verilog.
- Design and Verification of I2S bus Controller with APB interface
- Design and Modelling of I2C Communication Protocol.
- Implementation and verification of AXI to I2C interface.
- Implementation and verification of AHB to APB interface.
- Design of an efficient FSM for Implementation of AMBA AHB Master.
- Design and verification of SPI protocol & interfacing with LCD.
- Design and verification of DDR3 memory controller.
- Implementation and verification of systolic 8 bit multiplier.
- Implementation of Vedic multiplier based DSP system and verification.
- Design and Verification of AHB-Lite
- Design and Verification of SPI Bus Protocol with Built-In-Self-Test Capability
- Design, Verification and Implementation of USB 3.0 PHY Transmitter
- Design and Verification of i2c interface having single master and multiple slaves
- Design and Verification of AXI4 Lite Master and Slave
- Design and Verification of Communication bridge between I2C and SPI protocol
- Design and Verification of I2C Master compatible with Wishbone Interface
- Design and Verification of AXI4 LITE Master
- Design, Verification and Implementation of MODBUS RTU Protocol.
- Design and Implementation of AXI interconnect and AXI to APB bridge.
- Design and Verification of SPI to I2C Bridge and its FPGA Implementation.
- Implementation of AES encryption and decryption
- Design and verification of memory controller using AMBA AHB lite protocol
- Implementation and Verification of AHB-APB AMBA Bridge.
- Design and verification of transactions using AXI-4 Lite protocol.
- FPGA Implementation Of Floating Point Multiplier Using Urdhva-Tiryagbhyam
- Design And Verification Of 5 Stage 32 Bit RISC Processor
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